Friday, October 06, 2006

From reading Mack's blog I had writers block and didn't know what to call it so thanks for reminding me.
As it stands the only things that I really have to moan about are work things which really are not even interesting enough for me to put on the screen.
So lets track back for a history lesson - history of the venomous one. . .

This next block of words I got inspiration from the Mack again! So cred to you hun. x x x

When I was back in school I think the worst ever thing that happened to me was the school trip.
So all these kids packed and ready to go just waiting for the coach to turn up.
Wales was the destination (Some dodge part of the British Isles)
Girls on one side, boys on the other. The coach trip wasn't so bad but there is always one of the opposite sex that will definitely fancy - on a sidenote - during the younger school days I wasn't in with the 'in crowd' - back to the roll. . .

So after spending much of the coach trip staring and finally getting to talk to the fit one of the group, this trip was lookin up!
So we finally get there.
Girls are put into dormitories 6 to 8 to a dorm - it wasn't too bad as I was with my best friend but the rest as always we bitches.
We were stuck in a damp smelling bitchy dorm for 3 days. The first night wasn't so bad.


It all began here, the tantrums from the rich kids and the fights between the 'in crowd' and the rest.
I was someone in between all of this as I seemed to talk to everyone apart from the select one 'the big bitch'.
Every chance I got to avoid her I would, not out of fright but out of pure disgust. She was ginger to the core (not that I have a prob with ginger peeps) but she was just NASTY.
She thought she was the dogs bollocks but clearly not.

The BIG Joke . . .

Which may I add at this point I was the subject off.

When u are 11 or 12 you take things very personally especially when (men u might want to look away) - it is time to start your period.

So one night after dinner and a huge fight between me and the bitch me and the best friend went to the loo together in girlie style but stopping off in the dorm first to check on a few things.
Little did we know that the bitch and her comrades were close behind the corner.
So we finished in the toilet and she came in looking to start another chapter of our fight neither me or BF(Best Friend) were interested so we went to walk out and then it hit me. All I heard were the bitches so called friends calling up the boys to look down the toilet even though I flushed to see (men look away) red all in the loo.

I personally think it was a sick joke so in true fight club style I gave her one punch and knocked the bitch sparko then started dragging her by her hair into the toilet cubicle where she had committed her crime against me.
I slapped her in full view of now what I could safely say then my new found friends - she perked up a little and tried to fight back but I punched her again this time forcing her head to look at what she had accused me of leaving.

She was screaming for me to let her go or she would so something - I kept asking her what she was going to do to me that could be worse than me smearing her face in my so called reminiscence - considering I hadn't even come on yet and it couldn't be mine it must be her own. So I proceeded to dunk the BITCH - by the time she came up she looked like a strawberry dunked ginger BIATCH!!
GLORY was mine.

10 Years down the line I saw her walking in Wimbledon while I was out shopping with my goddaughter and she looked like she had just come out fancy dress.

On that note I think if there is a school reunion for my year I will definitely go and I will be holding a very large glass of red wine.


Thanks for stopping by

x x x x x
x x x x x
posted by a Princess @ Heart @ Friday, October 06, 2006   1 comments
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